Bank Statement Loans

Self-employed borrowers can have a challenging time qualifying for a traditional home loan. But you do not have to worry about there not being a program available to help you qualify for a mortgage. Bank Statement programs are designed specifically for those who do not have the tax documents, W-2’s, or adequate proof of income that clearly indicates their ability to pay. The home that seemed out of reach can now be a reality!

Ut90LTV, No MI         


• Two yearseasoning for foreclosure, short sale, bankruptcodeed-in-lieu



• Twyearself-employerequired    


• Purchasancash-ouorate-terrefinance

• 12- or 24-months businesbanstatement

   (musown at leas50of the business)

• 12- or 24 months personabanstatement


• Owner-occupiedseconhomeand non-owneoccupied